Bioengineering and Mechanobiology

Bioengineering and Mechanobiology research within the MAE field embodies a holistic perspective, merging various disciplines to leverage mechanical engineering fundamentals in the pursuit of advancing human health. A highly diverse research topics is being pursued by the MAE faculty. Some examples include cardiovascular and blood diseases, biofluid dynamics, cerebral biomechanics, biomechanics of degenerative diseases, trauma and central nervous system, cerebral circulation in Alzheimer’s disease, cellular and tissue mechanics, mapping and characterization, ocular mechanics, modeling cancer metastasis, micromechanical modeling of sub-cellular components and proteins, bioenergetics, drug and gene delivery, bioprinting and bioactive coating, human wearable sensors and assistive devices, lasers in biomedicine, bio hazards and safety, food safety and quality, microfluidic techniques for viral capture, biomechanics of legged locomotion, bio-inspired flapping, and application of AI. A variety of approaches is used including experimental (in vivo and in vitro), micro and nano-fluidics, theoretical and computational approaches to address some of the pressing problems in this area. Strong collaborations exist among the faculty within the department, as well as with faculty from other departments within the university, Rutgers Biomedical and Healthy Sciences, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and Cancer Institute of New Jersey. MAE faculty also collaborate with researchers from universities.
Associated Faculty: Prosenjit Bagchi, Haym Benaroya, William J. Bottega, Edward DeMauro, Mitsunori (Mitch) Denda, German Drazer, Zhixiong (James) Guo, Hao Lin, Aaron Mazzeo, Assimina A. Pelegri, Jerry Shan, Jonathan P. Singer, Jingang Yi, Qingze Zou
Research Clusters
Cerebral Biomechanics and Cerebral Circulation
Faculty: Prosenjit Bagchi, Assimina A. Pelegri
Cardiovascular Diseases and Blood Disorders
Faculty: Prosenjit Bagchi
Biofluid Dynamics
Faculty: Prosenjit Bagchi, Mitsunori (Mitch) Denda, Hao Lin
Cellular, Sub-cellular and Tissue Mechanics
Faculty: Prosenjit Bagchi, Haym Benaroya, Hao Lin, Qingze Zou
Bio Safety
Faculty: Edward DeMauro, German Drazer, Hao Lin, Aaron Mazzeo, Jonathan P. Singer
Ocular Mechanics
Faculty: William J. Bottega, Prosenjit Bagchi
Drug Delivery
Faculty: Hao Lin, Aaron Mazzeo, Jerry Shan, Jonathan P. Singer
Biosensors and Assistive Devices
Faculty: Zhixiong (James) Guo, Aaron Mazzeo, Jingang Yi
Bio-locomotion and Bio-inspired Flying
Faculty: Mitsunori (Mitch) Denda, Jingang Yi
AI Application in Mechanobiology and Bioengineering
Faculty: Prosenjit Bagchi, Hao Lin, Assimina A. Pelegri, Jingang Yi