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Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Master of Science Degree

Degree Highlights

The MS i a research-oriented degree for students who either wish to enter industry as practicing professionals or continue for the Ph.D. A thesis is required, which typically involves advanced analysis and/or design a major engineering problem. 

The program offers several broad areas of specialization. These include (1) Design and Control;  (2) Fluid Mechanics; (3) Mechanics of Solids, Materials and Structures; and (4) Thermal Sciences. The M.S. program, however, allows and encourages a student to include in his/her program of study related courses from any of the areas of specialization and also relevant courses offered by other programs within the Graduate School.  

Applied Learning

MS Degree Requirements

The requirements for the Master of Science degree include the completion of 24 course credits, 6 research credits, and the writing of and successful public defense of a thesis.

  • Of the required 24 course credits, a minimum of five 3 credit courses must be M&AE (650) graduate courses.
  • Candidates are expected to earn grades of B or better in their coursework to be in good standing. A 3.0 grade point average (GPA) must be maintained throughout the course of study. A student whose GPA falls below 3.0 will be dropped from the graduate program.
  • No more than three credits with grades C or C+ may be used in meeting the 24 credit course requirement.
  • Must register for Methods of Applied Mathematics (642:527)
  • At the discretion of the Graduate Program Director, up to two undergraduate courses (6 credits) may be counted toward the course requirements. The courses must be at the 400 level. A graduate student who wishes to register for an undergraduate course must have the approval of the Graduate Program Director. 
  • A student in the M.S. program may register for, at most, one (3 credit) Independent Study course (650:601 or 602).