Graduate Student Chunchu Zhu Receives the Best Paper Award at a Premier Mechatronics Conference

MAE graduate student Chunchu Zhu won the Best Conference Paper award at the 2024 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2024). Chunchu was the first-author and presenter for his paper entitled "Brain Computer Interface (BCI)-Enhanced Knee Exoskeleton Control for Assisted Sit-To-Stand Movement" that was presented at the AIM 2024 on July 16 in Boston, MA. His paper was one of the 6 Best Conference Award finalists that were selected from more than 400 presented papers at AIM 2024. Chunchu is now working toward his doctoral degree in Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM) Lab with Prof. Jingang Yi. Chunchu's research work was supported by US National Science Foundation and also a collaboration with Prof. Ashish Dutta of Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur.