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Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Prof. Z. Guo Appointed Editor-in-Chief for Heat Transfer Journal

"Prof. Z. James Guo has been appointed as the Editor-in-Chief for Heat Transfer Research, a journal that has been in publication for 54 years. The journal is owned by Begell House, Inc. and publishes 18 issues annually. It is officially affiliated with the American Society of Thermal and Fluid Engineers (ASTFE). Prof. Guo has been serving as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer since late 2018. He is a fellow of both ASME, elected in 2011, and ASTFE, elected in 2021. Additionally, he is a member of the Board of Directors of ASTFE.

In the 8th World Congress on Moment, Heat and Mass Transfer, which took place from March 26 to 28, 2023, Prof. Guo delivered an invited Keynote presentation titled “Interfacial Heat Transport in Semiconductor Heterostructures”. Furthermore, in the 4th International Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, held from July 27 to 29, 2023, Prof. Guo presented an invited Keynote on the topic of "Molecular Dynamics Studies of Pool Boiling and Solid-Liquid Interfacial Heat Transfer."