Dr. Ramendra Pal, Profs. Aaron Mazzeo (MAE) Rajiv Malhotra (MAE) and Francois Berthiaume (BME) receive DoD Discovery award

Dr. Ramendra Pal (PI), Professors Aaron Mazzeo (co-PI), Rajiv Malhotra (co-PI) and Francois Berthiaume (co-PI from BME) have received a DoD CDMRP Discovery Award to work toward a wearable device that administers cold plasma to enhance wound healing. The collaborative work focuses on studying the effectiveness of wearable patches that administer atmospheric plasma to pressure and diabetic ulcers on mice. They hypothesize that frequent, low doses of plasma through wearable patches will promote fast healing. This investigation is a step towards creating personalized and patch-based treatments for non-healing wounds.